
Differences 5

When it comes to wildlife photography, there are essentially two groups of people. The first group go out, sit, and wait. These are the people who have the patience, skill, and determination, to get that shot. Then there’s the second group. These people claim to be wildlife photographers, but really, […]

Patagonian Sea Lion taking a nap

Pheasants in the Park

Sometimes life grabs you by the neck and drags you along. The last few weeks have been really tough, what with exams and everything, but despite this, I have been faithfully trudging on with at least some photography. I’ve been shooting photographs every day (missed only one so far!) for […]

Wood Pigeon in Holyrood Park

Swan Lake

Swans are some of the most excellent birds for the starting photographer. They have become tame to the point of stupidity – it is far too easy to get far too close to a swan for your own safety. This has two implications. Number one: photographers get bitten. Number two: […]

A new toy!

Why hello there! So sorry it’s been so long since posting. It’s been a few difficult times, but yes, we’ll see. Things change. Anyways; on with the blog! There are some pictures, and some newses! Alright, now I know I promised it in the last post, but I really am […]

The wonders of the 300 2.8 1

Hey! So, it’s been an awful long time since I’ve given a bit of blog, and I figured I should bring you up to speed on the wonderful 300mm f2.8 VR. There have not been many photos from it on here yet, due to its absence in Madagascar. Next time, […]